Contact Me

Let's get in touch.

Hi there!

My social anxieties are so low at this point, that I love meeting new people. I’d love to get to know you, too.

There are a few ways we could get in touch. 

But first:

And also:

Not you? Great. Read on.

Here are my communication preferences:

Email is generally best for me, at least for our initial contact. My email is:

Or you can call me and leave a message—I screen most phone calls. 

Texting is good, too.

My phone number is:

Sessions with me are usually via Zoom, unless you prefer the phone, or we work out another option.

When we’re in touch, we’ll discuss your communication preferences, and find a way to work together that feels good for both of us.

This form is another way to start our conversation. 

I will reply, usually within two to three business days. 

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