Category: Personal Growth

Legs resting near the camera in front of an expansive landscape.

What I Know About Rest

I’m not great at resting, but I’ve learned a lot and have gotten a lot better at it over the last few years. Here’s my observations of what resting is.

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Rectangular badge logo with bright orange and yellow background. White lettering state: "PCC Professional Certified Coach."

Big news!

I’m now officially a Professional Certified Coach!!! Here are a few reflections on this milestone.

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Close up of a hand putting two bandaids over a cut elbow.

I’m Not Broken, But I Have Been Hurt

I used to despair that I was always a little (or a lot) different no matter how hard I tried to fit in. Figuring out I’m autistic explained why, but created a complicated relationship with that feeling of being broken.

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Red and yellow fireworks set against a black sky over a crowd of people in silhouette.

My Independence Day

The Fourth of July celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence, not of actually gaining independence. That took several more years and they had to fight for it. Hard.

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Learn the skills and techniques to get out of autistic burnout for good!

A person walking up a shaded stairwell into light.
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