My thoughts on Accountability Partners

Someone typing on a computer while another person watches the screen.
Accountability partners is a popular concept, designed to keep us accountable to someone else in order to create motivation to get things done, but I have a different opinion.
My thoughts on Accountability Partners


Sometimes people come to me who want me to keep them accountable. (By the way, that’s not what I do.)

Yet, I don’t think that any of us genuinely want that, but some people look for it because we’re so used to having externally imposed goals, standards, deadlines, things that create fear or stress in order to motivate us or get us to take action.

Because our society is set up on the assumption that the only reason people do anything is out of fear or discipline.

Because our society is set up on the assumption that the only reason people do anything is out of fear or discipline. So our workplaces, schools, families, volunteer organizations, government are all structured to put fear into people, and relentlessly pressure them into being disciplined about doing things, whether or not they want to do them.

(There’s so many things I could say about that, but I’m going to focus on just the one.)

Most people don’t know how to function outside of that. Including me until a few years ago. But I want to help people find a different way, to be able to make things that they want to happen, in the way that works for them. 

I hope that you get to the point that every single day of your life you get up and look forward to something. When you have that, it is so much easier to deal with the tedious, annoying things, because they’re only a small part of your day (and even those things are in service of an outcome that you genuinely want).

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Picture of Heather Cook

Heather Cook

Hi, I’m Heather. I’m an Autistic writer, advocate, and life coach, and I'm building a life I love. I help other Autistics to build their own autism-positive life. I love reading, jigsaw puzzles, just about every -ology, and Star Trek!

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