Self-Guided Experiences​

Go at your own pace.

Sensory Moments

A short, daily email prompt to tune into your in-the-moment sensory experience.

It’s designed to take seconds, literally. 

You don’t have to get up, move, or do anything. There are no exercises, and no comparison with anyone else. 

You simply notice what’s going on in one part of your body, or around you, in this very moment.

Gradually, over time, this noticing can subtly increase your own internal awareness at other times as well.

The whole sequence is an email-a-day for three months (though you can cancel anytime).

The prompts are designed to be:

  • trauma sensitive
  • demand avoidance sensitive
  • alexithymia sensitive
  • (because I deal with all of those myself)

So this (hopefully) won’t be just one more thing on your over-crowded to-do list, or yet another email that you’re ignoring out of overwhelm.

Three screenshots of sensory moments email prompts.

This may be a good fit for you:

  • If you’re looking for a way to figure out your own sensory needs, beyond earplugs and lights, and aren’t sure what your sensory needs even are.
  • If you want to get better at knowing what’s going on inside your own body — maybe you’ve even heard about “interception” — but you’ve got three tips and you’ve done them all.
  • If you’re theoretically on board with the idea that emotions are connected to bodily sensations, and want to get better at that, but don’t really want to deal with the whole “emotions” issue.
  • If you’ve been exploring your own sensory stuff for a while, and want to go deeper, but don’t have the energy or money for intensive sensory “therapies.”
  • If you’re looking for another way to foster present moment being.

This may not be a good fit for you:

  • If you want an intensive, fast paced, or instructional course.
  • If you’re looking for a complete sensory profile tool. (I’m making one — coming soon — but this isn’t it.)
  • If even one more thing is way too much right now.
  • If you’re looking for medical advice. This is not going to give you any advice. Of any kind.
  • If you’re looking for personalized support. The prompts are designed to be general enough that you can tailor them to your own needs, but it’s not going to do that for you.
  • If body stuff is trauma-triggering for you. This is designed to be trauma sensitive, but it is directly addressing body stuff and if you’re not in a place where you can process that right now, even in a gentle way, this isn’t the right time.

Three screenshots of sensory moments email prompts.

How much is it?

If I were to put a firm price-tag on this, I’d ask $20 for the full sequence of three months. But that doesn’t work for everyone.

So here’s what I’m offering. (It’s a new experiment; we’ll see how this works.)

– Now –

Chipping in an initial $1 (or more, you choose) tells me “you’re in.”

– Later –

After you’ve tried this for a while, you get to decide how much to contribute, based on what this has been worth to you and your current financial situation. Add what you can then. (There’s a discrete link in each email, you decide when to use it.) If you get nothing from this, add nothing. If you find it adds some, any, value to your life, I trust you to add a little more.

– Or –

You could chip in more to start with and not bother with adding later. Whichever works for you.

There's more coming...

More self-guided experiences, asynchronous courses, and live group courses are coming. I’m working on three right now! Here’s one of them:

Learn the skills and techniques to get out of autistic burnout for good!

A person walking up a shaded stairwell into light.
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