Is My Anti-Anxiety Course Right For You?

Pencil resting on a book near a laptop.
If you're wondering if my anti-anxiety course is a good fit for you, here's some information that may help you decide.

Is this for you?

Have you been debating about taking my upcoming anti-anxiety course, wondering if it is right for you?

Here are some situations that it can directly help with. 

  • If you want your relationships to grow deeper, but can’t invest because others have gone wrong before and your brain is telling you that’s sure to happen again.
  • If you’re afraid for your kids’ future and nag them even though you know it’s not helping, but can’t stop yourself.
  • If you want to start a business or change jobs, but can’t let yourself try anything until you can know (for absolutely certain) it will definitely work out.
  • If you want to do less people pleasing, and you’ve made resolutions to set boundaries, but keep falling into old habits.
  • If you know something you want to improve in your life, but feel stuck because you’re afraid it’s bound to go wrong (like it did before).

Part of what’s going on in each of these situations are practical circumstances that are indeed difficult, frustrating, or uncertain.

And part of what’s going on are the thoughts and fears and worries that make it all worse. 

A lot of what I focus on in this course is how to deal with those fears. To get a little distance from them so they’re not as intense, so you can think clearer and have the mental space to deal with the practical circumstances in better ways, so the things you’re afraid of won’t happen.

It’s not positive affirmations, or talking yourself out of what really is true, or preaching “just let it go” or “get over it.”

It’s a few simple techniques that really work for our Autistic and AuDHD brains.

This might be a good fit for you if you:

  • are willing to get curious about your fears and investigate what’s really going on.
  • want to get clear about what’s underneath the worry or negative self-talk that you keep repeating to yourself (and others).
  • want a trauma-sensitive space and facilitator.
  • like the idea of working on this with other Autists who aren’t going to subtly gaslight you for thinking/reacting your natural way.
  • are ready and willing to spend at least two hours a week working on this material.
  • are willing to receive direct feedback.
  • self-identify as Autistic or AuDHD, or are comfortable being around Autists.

If that’s you, feel free to go and learn more about the course here to see if it’s a fit:

Anti-Anxiety Practices for Autistics

If you’re not sure, you’re welcome to reply to this and let me know a little about your situation so we can make sure you don’t sign up for something that won’t be a good fit for you.

The practical stuff

It’s a small group course that will meet four times (no, you don’t have to spill your guts to the group), or you’re welcome to treat it as an asynchronous experience and use the recordings to get all the info with less contact.

Every Saturday in February, starting February 3rd.

9-10:30 AM PST 
12-1:30 PM EST
5 PM-6:30 PM GMT

$180 USD

Learn more

Anti-Anxiety Practices for Autistics

Or, if you’re ready to register, sign up directly here (these links will take you to, the course platform site):

Pay once
2 Monthly payments

If you find even one or two of these techniques help you, and use them even intermittently, it can make a big difference over time in your ability to do the little and big things you need (and want) to do every day, to be around people, and to build the life you really want.

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Picture of Heather Cook

Heather Cook

Hi, I’m Heather. I’m an Autistic writer, advocate, and life coach, and I'm building a life I love. I help other Autistics to build their own autism-positive life. I love reading, jigsaw puzzles, just about every -ology, and Star Trek!

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